Monday, April 30, 2018

What is passive income?

Most of us have heard of passive income.
What is passive income?
It's that income which you earn without doing any work.... Sounds interesting! Right.
But many of us don't know that its not fully correct.
For creating passive income initially we have to devote our time for learning and discovering the ways and methodology for passive income and after years of experience, then only with devoting lesser time we can generate constant income via passive income. 
Passive income sources can be...
Giving house or room on rent
Investing in stocks, mutual funds, govt. Bonds and securities
Doing business etc.

How world is changing but not the people's mentality

This is my first blog and I would like to seek everyone's attention to the changing world. How rich people's are getting more richer and poor people's are becoming more poor.
Do you know why?
This happens due to there mentality.
Poor people only dream of becoming rich and do not try hard enough to become rich. Also main reason is that they get satisfied with smaller achievements and start celebration, and thus loose the chance and focus to reach the top.
I am not telling just for the sake of telling,  I am telling this from my personal experience.

Best Selling Books of all Time

List of All time Best Selling Books-   1. Rich Dad Poor Dad In this Rich Dad Poor Dad Book is about Author Robert Kiyosaki and his tw...